The best of both worlds, in one magic show

Posted by on Jun 2, 2015 in Corporate Event Ideas, Entertainment For Parties

As a Chicago magician and corporate entertainer, I find myself performing at a wide range of events and venues, from holiday parties to wedding receptions, from trade shows to customer appreciation dinners.  But at the end of the day, most performances fall into one of two categories: close up magic or a stage show. I typically perform close up magic at cocktail parties, for trade show entertainment and in hospitality suites.  I most often perform my stage show at awards banquets and as after-dinner entertainment.  But the two are very different types of performances.  Close up magic tends to have a stronger impact, but the shows are much shorter, while stage shows are longer, have more of a theatrical structure, but lack the intimacy and “wow” factor inherent in a close up magic performance. Enter the “Parlour Show”… A parlour magic show is a wonderful hybrid that combines the best of close up magic and a stage show.  Typically performed for 5 to 20 people, it includes high impact close up magic, but because it’s a formal show (from 15 to 45 minutes in length), it’s a more theatrical experience and includes a larger variety of magic.  It’s an actual show, but performed up close, right in front of your face, taking the experience to another level. So the next time you’re looking for entertainment, whether it’s corporate entertainment or something for a private event, consider a parlour magic show.  You’re virtually guaranteed your guests have never seen anything like it, and the impact and entertainment level can’t be...

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Corporate entertainment, it ain’t just about the show!

Posted by on Aug 14, 2014 in Best Magician Ever, Corporate Entertainment, Corporate Event Ideas

When hiring corporate entertainment for an after dinner show, cocktail party, employee appreciation event or the like it’s important to remember that the show is more than what happens onstage.  The flow of the event, expectation of the audience and concerns of management all weigh heavily on the event planner.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard stories about comedians offending the audience, performers arriving late or not at all or the “star” not being able to adjust to the ever changing needs of the event. As a corporate entertainer based in Chicago, I work hard to make sure my show is entertaining and mystifying for any audience, but I also know that the event isn’t about me, so if I need to cut my show short, stretch it out, or include a last minute addition, I come prepared to do so.  This means arriving early, being willing to stay late and always remaining flexible.  That’s my job. I know I’m only one component of an evening’s schedule, and my job is to help make the whole event a success, not just my part of it.  If you’d like to talk to me about how I can help make your upcoming event a success, either with my comedy stage magic show or with interactive strolling magic, don’t hesitate to contact...

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